The Power of the Frame: Using Mindful Photography to Cultivate Positive Energy

Illustration of a hand holding a 35mm slide frame.

Throw a frame around something. Use a 35mm slide holder like this, or simply or fingers doing the "OK" sign. Notice what happens. 

There’s something curious about throwing a frame around an object or scene. It focuses our attention on what lies within the boundaries, helping us see it in a new light. This simple act of framing is at the heart of mindful photography, a practice that utilizes the photographing, editing, and sharing capabilities of our smartphones to cultivate mindfulness and inner peace.

The law of attraction teaches us that we attract what we think about. While this idea resonates with many, sustaining positive thoughts can be challenging, especially when we’re feeling dysregulated or overwhelmed. Instead of struggling to maintain positivity through sheer willpower, consider a different approach: throw a frame around something and focus on any object that exudes positive energy. By doing so, you redirect your attention from problems to positivity, allowing other challenges to resolve themselves more naturally.

Focusing Attention Through Framing

Framing is more than just a photographic technique; it’s a powerful tool for directing your mind. When you frame something—whether it’s a physical object or a thought—you give it your full attention, allowing its positive energy to influence your mindset. This concept aligns beautifully with the advice of the Apostle Paul, who wrote, “Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things” (Philippians 4:8).

Paul’s words remind us that focusing on positive, uplifting thoughts requires intention. One effective way to express that intention is through positive framing. For instance, if you want to “think” about whatever is lovely, go out and actually photograph something lovely. This act of creating a physical frame around a beautiful scene helps anchor your thoughts in positivity, making it easier to sustain a peaceful, joyful mindset.

Transforming Your Smartphone Into a Mindfulness Tool

The concept of “mindful smartphone photography” might seem contradictory at first. After all, our smartphones are often the very source of distraction that pulls us away from the present moment. But by taking a few intentional steps, we can transform these devices into powerful tools for mindfulness. One of the simplest ways to do this is by switching your smartphone to airplane mode and turning off Wi-Fi. This helps mitigate the distractions of constant connectivity, allowing you to use your phone solely as a camera, focused on capturing the world around you.

When you use your smartphone to frame and photograph something positive, you’re not just creating an image—you’re reinforcing a mindset. You’re choosing to see and capture what is lovely, noble, or pure, aligning your thoughts with the kind of energy you want to attract into your life. This practice turns the law of attraction into a tangible, actionable process that you can engage with every day.

The Minimalist Approach: Using an Imaginary Frame

But sometimes, even the most mindful use of a smartphone isn’t enough to escape the distractions of modern life. That’s why I occasionally leave my phone at home and go for a walk with my dog, Frankie the Doodle, armed with nothing but an old-fashioned 35 mm slide frame. It might seem odd to passers-by—seeing someone using a tiny imaginary camera—but this minimalist approach to photography can be incredibly freeing.

The closer I hold the slide frame to my eye, the wider the view it creates. The further away I hold it, the tighter the view becomes, almost as if the frame is a macro lens. But of course, it’s all imaginary. I’m not actually taking a photograph, so what’s the point?

The point is this: even though I’m not physically capturing an image, the act of framing helps me focus my attention and see the world in a more mindful way. This practice of positive framing can be applied to your thoughts as well. Imagine throwing a frame around the cluster of thoughts you’re experiencing right now. What would you observe? Are your thoughts a chaotic mix of worries and distractions? Remember, your thoughts are not your reality. By framing them, you can observe them without getting lost in them, and you can choose to focus on what is positive and life-giving.

Finding Peace in the Present Moment

This practice of mindful photography teaches us to keep coming back to the present moment, to focus on the shot at hand. By intentionally framing what is lovely, noble, or pure, we align our thoughts with positive energy, making it easier to attract the kind of peace and contentment we desire. In doing so, we often find that the present moment is a pretty decent place to be—a place where we can find peace amidst the circus of our thoughts.

Whether you’re using your smartphone or an imaginary frame, the act of framing allows you to take control of your focus and direct it toward positivity. As you continue to explore mindful photography, remember that it’s not just about the photos you take, but about the mindset you cultivate along the way. So the next time you feel overwhelmed, try framing something beautiful—both in your mind and through your lens—and watch how it transforms your perspective.

Shine Your Light,


The Mindful Approach to Smartphone Video: Balancing Creativity and Distraction


Practice 1 Video- Chase Things That Sparkle