Joe Van Wyk Joe Van Wyk

An Austin Dive Bar and the Sony G Master 24mm f/1.4 lens

My wife Sandra and I will miss spontaneously jaunting over to Austin’s legendary Skylark Lounge, just a few blocks from our current home. We will be moving east of town to Bastrop in a few days, and are so excited about enjoying the vibrant music scene out there.

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Joe Van Wyk Joe Van Wyk

Hello again, Breath. I’m sorry I ignored you.

Breath, I know it is cheesy, and grown men shouldn't have to say it, but seriously—you are my very best friend. Out the womb I came, and “whoosh!”, there you were, inside me, surrounding me. And you haven’t left me since.

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Joe Van Wyk Joe Van Wyk

iPhone Photography: Yosemite made me a believer.

As I write this entry on a long flight back to Austin from San Francisco, I’m feeling blessed that my wife and I got to experience God’s majesty, California-style. Our trip began with my wife’s business conference in San Francisco. We then rented a car and headed east to Yosemite Valley, where we spent 6 nights.

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Joe Van Wyk Joe Van Wyk

Street Portrait: Eyes closed, innocence, and vulnerability.

So glad I took a deep breath, composed myself in the middle of this encounter, and asked this guy to close his eyes. I’m sure he lived his life on the streets with a tough persona. But in this shot I recognize his innocence. Haven’t seen him downtown in quite some time. I hope he has found peace.

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Joe Van Wyk Joe Van Wyk

Pain and grieving—how storytelling is helping me through it (Will).

Welcome to a little story about the next outstanding person I met on my walk earlier this week. I was on a quest to connect with others who might share their thoughts on pain and grieving. Fresh on the heels of losing our precious Yellow Lab Travis, I knew it would help for me to utilize one of my most effective tools when emotions are tough: my camera.

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Joe Van Wyk Joe Van Wyk

My fear of bluebonnet photography.

In Texas, bluebonnets are a big deal. In the Spring, they grow like weeds along the side of the road. Hundreds of millions of selfies are taken amidst them each year, primarily utilizing 20' selfie sticks that allow for dozens of family members to be in the shot. The bluebonnet is the state flower of Texas, so don't even think of picking or damaging them, or you might get cuffed and sent to the pokey.

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Joe Van Wyk Joe Van Wyk

iPhone X vs. Leica Q for Street Photography

Technology is revolutionizing the planet. Change is not so much constant as radical. Every single industry is being affected. Of course, photography and videography are no exception. I am a designer, photographer and videographer. As an artist, I have to always be on alert about my Texas-sized ego rearing its ugly head. My ego can blind me. Put me in denial. Close my imagination to new possibilities.

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Joe Van Wyk Joe Van Wyk

It isn't easy to shoot a friend.

Don’t worry. My friend Reed is resting fine after his shooting. All kidding aside, I admittedly was a bit nervous before doing Reed’s portrait. You see, we have known each other for a long time. Since college to be exact. And, let’s just say that in those days phones had cords that plugged into the wall.

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Joe Van Wyk Joe Van Wyk

Do I follow my heart, or do I follow conventional marketing wisdom?

Many of you know that I have transitioned from a 20-year career in graphic design to a new career in portrait photography. I "followed my bliss", and every promise that comes with it is coming true. Such a feeling that I'm "in the flow." Not only was I led to pursue photography, but more specifically, I have been led to portraiture. It's the highest professional calling I have ever felt. Not wedding photography. Not product photography. Portraiture.

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Joe Van Wyk Joe Van Wyk

Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin'.

When Sandra said "I have a surprise for you" a few weeks ago, I perked up. Then, after getting over my initial disappointment that we weren't going to Disney World, I found out that she had scored tickets to last night's Steve Miller Band show at Austin's Skyline Theater at the Long Center.

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