Keep Your Face Towards the Sunshine: A Practice in Mindful Smartphone Photography


Mindful photography is more than just taking beautiful photos; it’s a therapeutic practice that can bring you into the present moment, quiet the mind, and create inner peace. This practice, “Keep Your Face Towards the Sunshine,” is one of the many techniques outlined in The Mindful Photography Field Guide, a book that introduces 15 smartphone photography practices designed to foster inner peace and spiritual connection. This specific practice focuses on harnessing the magic of light and shadow to create stunning photographs while cultivating mindfulness.

The Power of Positive Thinking and Photography

In my mid-20s, while on a solo trip to Guatemala, I had a transformative experience that shaped my understanding of positivity and spirituality. While exploring the ancient ruins of Tikal, I found myself lost, both physically and spiritually. It was during this time that I discovered Norman Vincent Peale’s The Power of Positive Thinking. The teachings in this book, though widely known today, were revolutionary to me at the time. They introduced me to the concept that our minds develop the photos we hold in our imagination, and that positivity can lead to spiritual renewal.

This realization was a turning point for me. It taught me that choosing positivity is a lifelong challenge, but it’s also essential for personal growth. I learned that like light and shadow in photography, our thoughts can either illuminate or darken our experiences. This insight became the foundation for my practice of mindful photography, where I focus on the interplay between light and shadow to create both visually and emotionally impactful images.

Focus: Embracing the Present Moment

In mindful photography, the first step is to focus—not just with your camera, but with your mind and body. To truly engage in this practice, it’s important to connect with yourself and your surroundings. Begin by placing your hand on your heart and taking three deep belly breaths. This simple action helps you ground yourself and become aware of your body sensations and level of inner peace.

As you open your eyes, take in your surroundings without judgment or commentary. This moment of pure presence is where mindful photography begins. By focusing on the present, you prepare yourself to capture images that reflect the world as it is, rather than how your mind wants to perceive it.

Photographic Technique: The Magic of Backlighting

Backlighting is a powerful technique that can transform ordinary scenes into extraordinary ones. It involves placing your subject between you and the light source, creating a halo of light that frames the subject in a captivating way. Whether you’re photographing a friend on a walk or capturing the sunlight filtering through pine needles, backlighting adds a magical quality to your photos.

To practice backlighting, position yourself so that the light source (like the sun) is directly behind your subject. This technique works wonders in various scenarios—whether you're shooting a portrait with the sun behind your subject, or capturing the intricate play of light through leaves. Experiment with different angles and compositions to see how the light interacts with your subject and the shadows it casts.

Capture: The Dance of Light and Shadow

Once you’ve centered yourself, it’s time to capture the moment. Mindful photography encourages you to act opposite to any resistance you might feel—whether it’s from fear of failure or a reluctance to engage with the practice. Turn your smartphone into a dedicated camera by switching it to airplane mode, wiping off the lenses, and positioning yourself to take the best shot.

As you capture your photos, focus on the contrast between light and shadow. This interplay is not only visually striking but also metaphorically rich. Just as our lives are a mixture of joy and sorrow, light and shadow coexist in the world around us. By embracing both in your photography, you can create images that resonate on a deeper level.

Photographic Technique: Embracing Shadows

Shadows, often seen as the absence of light, can be just as beautiful as the light itself. In mindful photography, you are invited to explore the shadows and see them as an integral part of your images. Whether you’re photographing the stark shadow of a flower or the silhouette of a person against a bright background, shadows can add depth and drama to your photos.

To fully engage with this practice, consider shooting in black and white. This removes the distraction of color and allows you to focus solely on the contrast between light and shadow. As you edit your photos, play with the black point and shadow sliders to emphasize the darker areas of your image. This process not only enhances the visual impact of your photos but also serves as a metaphor for embracing the darker aspects of your life.

Shine: Sharing Your Light

The final step in this practice is to shine your light on others. Mindful photography isn’t just about taking photos for yourself; it’s about creating connections and sharing beauty with the world. After capturing and editing your photos, resist the urge to post them on social media for validation. Instead, think about how you can directly bless someone with your creation.

Consider sending a photo to a friend along with a note about what this practice has taught you. Or, if you’ve taken a particularly meaningful photo, print it out and gift it to someone who might need a little light in their life. By sharing your work in this personal way, you not only deepen your own mindfulness practice but also spread positivity and inner peace to those around you.

Reflective Journal Prompts

To deepen your engagement with this practice, take some time to reflect on the following questions in your journal:

  • Describe any resistance you noticed when turning from negative thoughts and instead focusing your attention towards the light. How did you push through?

  • What shift in mindset happened when you cut off your internet connection and turned your smartphone into a camera?

  • Were you tempted to share your creation on social media? What are your thoughts on using your photos to bless one single person instead of posting publicly?

These prompts will help you internalize the lessons of this practice and apply them to your daily life, further enhancing your journey toward inner peace.

Photo Tip: Understanding Dynamic Range

In the world of photography, dynamic range refers to the spectrum of light and dark that your camera can capture in a single image. Modern smartphones, with their advanced HDR (High Dynamic Range) capabilities, can capture incredible detail in both the highlights and shadows of a scene. However, there are still limits to what technology can achieve.

For example, when photographing in low light, your smartphone might struggle to capture detail in the shadows, resulting in a silhouette effect. Conversely, in brighter conditions, the same camera might reveal intricate details in both the lightest and darkest parts of the image. Understanding these nuances of dynamic range can help you make more informed choices when capturing and editing your photos.

Experiment with shooting in different lighting conditions to see how your smartphone handles dynamic range. Practice using HDR mode when photographing high-contrast scenes, and pay attention to how your camera balances the exposure. By mastering this technique, you can create photos that are not only visually striking but also rich in emotional depth.

Conclusion: The Path to Inner Peace Through Mindful Photography

Mindful photography is a powerful tool for quieting the mind and fostering inner peace. By focusing on the interplay of light and shadow, you can create beautiful, meaningful images that reflect the world’s inherent beauty. More importantly, this practice helps you connect with the present moment and share your light with others, deepening your spiritual journey.

As you continue to explore mindful photography, remember that it’s not just about the photos you take, but about the peace and connection you cultivate along the way. So keep your face towards the sunshine, embrace the shadows, and let your photography be a source of light in your life and the lives of others.


Practice 2 Video- Face Towards the Sunshine


The Mindful Approach to Smartphone Video: Balancing Creativity and Distraction