Joe Van Wyk Joe Van Wyk

Practice 1 Video- Chase Things That Sparkle

Have you ever wanted to take your smartphone photography to the next level, but when you get out there, you’re just not sure what to shoot? A long time ago, one of my favorite photography teachers taught me a valuable lesson: when in doubt, just follow the light.

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Understanding Mindfulness Through the Lens of Christian Faith

As we navigate a culture saturated with distractions and strife, the biblical call to stillness and reflection becomes increasingly relevant. However, many believers fear that mindfulness, with its association with Eastern spirituality, might conflict with Christian teachings. I get it.

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Tactics To Use When You Feel Like You Are About To Commit Suicide

You. The one reading this. It isn’t a mistake that you landed here. There is power inside you to walk through this. Hang with me through these simple practices and I promise you’ll have a psychic shift that’s going to get you off the crazy train of self-harm. 

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The Mindful Photography Field Guide: Discover the Power of Photography Therapy

In a world filled with stress, anxiety, depression, and uncertainty, we all need a simple way to experience present moment serenity and contentment. Seem like a tall order? It’s not. In fact, you probably have the perfect tool you need to achieve this sense of calm in your pocket right now.

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