The Mindful Photography Field Guide: Discover the Power of Photography Therapy

Some of you may know me by my former name, Joe Van Wyk. Well friends, now you can refer to me as your Mindful Photography Field Guide. Or, just Joe for short. I just wrote and designed a book that shows precisely how to access power to transform the way you see yourself and the world around you.

How would you like to adventure to a place of inner peace even while journeying through a world gone mad?

In a world filled with stress, anxiety, depression, and uncertainty, we all need a simple way to quiet our mind, release our fears, and experience present moment serenity and contentment. Seem like a tall order? It’s not. In fact, you probably have the perfect tool you need to achieve this sense of calm in your pocket right now. It’s called your smartphone, and when used correctly, you can transform this often distraction-inducing device into a pivotal tool for inner peace through photography therapy.

In The Mindful Photography Field Guide, I share 15 smartphone photography practices that can help bring you back to sanity when you spiral into depressing, anxious thoughts. Filled with full-color photos, practical how-to action items, engaging stories, and solid research, this book reveals time-tested practices you can use to recenter your mind, embrace the present moment, and experience the joy of living.

Transform your smartphone into a powerful tool to access inner peace. Experience joyful presence, rather than distraction and stress, during difficult times. Bless others with your gifts to spread feelings of love, laughter, and happiness.

The best part? No photography experience is needed. Whether you are an adventurer, a seeker, or a creative soul longing for peace and connection in a chaotic world, you’ll find the keys to practical, everyday mindfulness through photography therapy.

Why Mindful Photography?

In the book, you will find engaging practices that foster hope and inner peace. Unfortunately, the following statistics aren’t so positive and encouraging. 700,000 people die by suicide each year (World Health Organization). Men are particularly vulnerable, ending their own lives at nearly 4x the rate of women. White males are 30% of the population yet accounted for nearly 70% of suicide deaths in the U.S. in 2021 (American Foundation for Suicide Prevention).

Nothing is as tragic as someone successfully taking their own life. That said, ponder this: for every suicide completion, there are 25 attempts (Merck Manuals). That means there are 17.5 million suicide attempts each year. Hopelessness and despair are all around us. Perhaps you are struggling too. If so, this book is for you. It is written by someone who was desperate to find relief from chronic dark thoughts. Eventually, these practices, combined with my faith, helped me find freedom through the therapeutic power of mindful photography.

The Power of Photography Therapy

“I don't consider myself a photographer. How can the book help me?”

Capturing a pretty photo and capturing the present moment are different. As you practice these methodical photography exercises, even your simple snaps will become more visually appealing. That’s great. However, that’s not the point of mindful photography.

Want to grasp the spirit of mindful photography? Ask a child to take several photos of things they are most grateful for. Observe them. Watch them get lost in creating, while totally unconcerned about perfection. Notice the “heart” in what they show you.

You have now witnessed capturing the present moment versus ego-centered photography. You may not be a kid anymore, but if you are teachable, smartphone photography can become an ever-present and powerful tool for inner peace. This is the essence of photography therapy—using the act of taking photos to bring mindfulness and tranquility into your life.

Feeling Overwhelmed and Alone?

I can relate. Challenges with depression and anxiety forced me to discard outdated and ineffective beliefs and to instead implement tools that actually work for me, bringing me inner peace in the present. Action was the key, and part of that action was seeking help, even when I felt like giving up. You are never alone. Mindful photography played a significant role in my journey to finding peace.

A Little About Me

For those I haven’t had the privilege to meet, I am an author, father, and Christ-follower who has served clients with photography, videography, design, and publishing for over 30 years. A previous urban street photography fanatic, I am now more of a lover of mindful photography hikes in the pine trees and walks along roaring rivers. I live in Glenwood Springs, Colorado with Frankie the Doodle, who you’ll see in the book and media.

Find my mindful photography vlogs, coaching, and helpful resources at and



If you found this post helpful, you'll love my book, The Mindful Photography Field Guide: 15 Smartphone Photography Practices for Inner Peace. It’s packed with practical tips and inspiring stories. Ready to dive deeper? I also offer one-on-one coaching to help you master mindfulness through photography. Reach out to me via my contact form. Let's connect and transform your journey together!


Tactics To Use When You Feel Like You Are About To Commit Suicide


Carbondale First Friday @35mm